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The Gearhart Volunteer Fire Department covers 28 square miles ranging from Cullaby Lake in the North, extending to Gearhart City limits to the South. From milepost 8.5 on Lewis & Clark Road to the East and to the Pacific Ocean on the West. The department in 2021 responds to 660 incidents for the year and has the capacity for 35 volunteers to serve on the roster. The department responds out of 2 stations, Station "2900" (our "main station") located at 670 Pacific Way in Downtown Gearhart and from the Hertig Station (our "Sub Station") at Hwy 101 & Westlake Lane. The department responds to all emergencies including but not limited to; all fires (22% of our '21 call volume), emergency medical calls (52% of our '21 call volume), vehicle accidents (10% of our '21 call volume), natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, requests for public assist, search & rescue.  Also includes Automatic/Mutual Aid support to departments throughout the county and statewide when needed. 

If You Have The Desire To Serve, The Ability To Act And The Courage To Perform, Please Join Us. Make A Difference.

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